This subject by it nature expects a cosmic scene-to-scene summary of the events that have had occurred with me on the very first day but for me it is more about the scientific sentiments and a collective thought process which held me into the best of my moods and attire I think I have ever been into.
Not only it was just the first day but unified with a sentiment of my first job of life. If am true there were concerns, anxiety and a little uneasiness of inflowing into an entirely different world which I had only talked or heard about. Stretched hours of presentations during induction series indeed put an extra pressure on me which enforced me to outline as to how much stress I could actually be put into while being on work.
Amid all these apprehensions and worries I finally landed up at Accenture premises. I could very well sense the energies emanating from within and the excitement of getting in touch with several people whom we campus-youth commonly termed as “
Corporates”. I kept on jogging my memory about the golden rules regarding the behavior that a new joiner should keep in her mind which I usually termed as “
“Take a deep breath and walk in with a smile on your face. Keep your head up and remember to make eye contact. Be polite and friendly to everyone you encounter, whether it's the receptionist or the mailroom clerk, your colleagues or your new boss. Introduce yourself to those you meet and remember that it's okay to ask questions. Remember that every workplace has its own way of doing things. Your first few weeks or even months on a job is not the time to change the way things get done.”Now since I have already entered into the premises, need not say this huge building of Bang-3 with a world class infrastructure had already convinced the right hemisphere of my skull about the size and brand of the company. I was indeed amazed to see how only the processes not the people can run these big enterprises, with man power not more than the slaves to these processes and applications. I was in an obligatory mode of convincing my left hemisphere murmuring to it as, “Yes! This is the place I wanted to get into or this is the place I could actually get into at my best.”
Standing for long to get the visitor’s pass in a queue, while every passer-by kept an ambiguous glance at me, or at all of us perhaps was providing anxiety a room to play, anyway day proceeded in much an anticipated manner in a closed room with lots of new faces and numerous presentations. By the end of the day things were getting normal with me too sensing the comfort, ready to see the “First Second day.
Looking at the discipline and strict rules to be followed my mind which always tries its maximum to compare between the present and the past, kept on corroborating, “How good would it be, if we could have got this kina infrastructure at the campus itself?”