... the road to July!

19 May, 2007

Does opinion based blogging make good sense at all?

In the popular side of blogosphere today, it seems everyone is giving out an opinion about something or the other (including me of course). Be it daily news analysis, new ventures, new applications, trends being followed or even Microsoft sheathing through to Y!.

Definitely there is nothing wrong in it, nothing to be criticized also. But at the end of the day most of the blogs are just the time pass. Thing to notice is that globally the most admired blogs are the ones which keep personal opinions away & have been instrumental in providing some valuable information to the reader not easily possible otherwise e.g. Guy Kawasaki, Amit Agarwal (Digital inspiration fame), Prof Sadagopan (his experience is his wisdom) etc.

Even the Theory of Relativity is out, "An observation (or opinion) is as good about the observer as it is about being observed". Some discussion about this can be followed at my blog and manas da's blog for reference.

If somebody reads my opinion on a subject, the three possible reactions we notice are:
1. Liked, with or without comments
2. Not liked or offended, with or without fiery comments
3. Not understood or Okay. This usually happens when people browse through the blogs rather than reading them.

Let’s take the first possibility, a person liked my opinion. However if you see this liking again is an observation of that person, very much local to his understanding - Oh yes we do have points of intersection in our understanding equations of course - and he will further define this observation in his/ her own vocabulary and own thought mechanism. This new definition of this observation results into another observation, which again will have all the three possibilities mentioned above and it goes on, hence, follows a recursive pattern.

But if the person doesn't reason out my observation and finds it interesting with the reasoning I give, I actually bias this person's thoughts with mine and sort of make it compulsive for him/ her to adhere to the reasoning that is not his but mine.
In essence an opinion actually din't bring any potential difference rather than either generating several diverse observations or biasing another person's views with someone else's.

Second possibility of not liking my observation is good enough for the sole reason that in essence it was my personal understanding after all. If the reader feels offended, the likeliness to find a common ground with our discussions goes almost negligible because we have our own understandings at different levels, standing high, ego brings a decent flavor to this discussion further, therefore, the discussion coming out is not of any good use at all again.

Third possibility was anyway neutral it doesn't have even a distant possibility to bring any difference anyway.

Therefore, in terms of trying to bring any difference in the blogosphere with the help of opinion based blogs doesn't seem to make any sense.

However, that’s just another opinion, which may hold good, may not.

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