... the road to July!

22 March, 2006

Bachelor's Cry.

It was my Delivery Unit Management meeting where the Performance and the Project bonus issues were to be addressed to the team. Presentations were going on though I was already occupied with some of my own mess in mind, although I realized it very much but never expected the senior manager to make a note of it first and second to speak to me about it.

Everybody was told how much amount they should be expecting by the end of the month. Everyone listened into the thick contentment while I just traced through all the faces, there was an attentive silence in the audience, a man busy tilting the pen he’s holding in different possible directions, someone involved deeply in plucking the tiny hairs on his chin, few others stretched out as if out of fatigue, how involved were they in the figures shown on the board! For an instance I wondered how greedy everyone in that room was. But a moment later realized that some of them must be thinking of paying the installment of the home loan which they missed for last two months; another one to afford a scooty for his daughter that she's been demanding for about six months now, may be the construction pending in the house could materialize with this money.

Actually, they all might feel more responsible towards their commitments than I am, so it could still be justified, a state of mind understood best only under the same conditions.

Meeting ended, Senior Manager walked off the room, I followed her, leaving all the fuss over the figures that everyone just saw on the board, quite preoccupied in my own world, opened the door to take the staircases, realized Senior Manager standing and looking for something. Didn’t really bother & continued on my own way. And suddenly I heard:

"Are you Okay Piyush?” she asked noticing my disinterest.

"Indeed, am okay"

"You seemed to be quite serious during the meeting, is everything alright?”

For a moment I thought of blasting her for firing over a team member, practicing her hierarchical power on him but something just kept me away from getting into any conversation then.

"Yes am upset", I replied.

I know anyone would react to such an answer, thus, following my expectations she asked,

"Is everybody alright at home?"


"But you said earlier you don't have a girl"

Cool! How simple and direct an approach can be sometimes to a problem? Though it was intended for fun but I knew how correct she was. Smile on my face, ubiquitous behavior towards her made her comfortable and she forwarded to her cabin but her response left an inquisitive expression on my mind. Surprisingly, there was a girl on my mind quite unusually but yes indeed a girl.

A statement said in passing stroke through all the chords of my heart, sublimed the rigidness of thoughts for few moments again. But still there’s something that made me think which is still not able to get defined perfectly in words. May be I just was seeking the answer to the question, “Can the reason for a bachelor to be upset only are Girls?”

Don’t know but something is still there that am thinking, still trying to define in words.


srijithunni said...

Haa.. Haa..!!

More than the absence of a girl, I think it is the loneliness..!!

Get yourself a good friend to pour your heart out.!

I like your style of writing.

With Regards,

Piyush said...

You hit the target. Wish someone could actually understand this ;-).

But I still enjoy this time, where there's a craving for someone to understand and waiting for that moment. It indeed has its own taste.